
Budget vs. Device Availability? How Insightful Equipment Forecasting can Address Both

TRIMEDX President of Clinical Asset Management Dave Klumpe recently contributed a piece in 24×7 Magazine discussing how hospital leaders face budget constraints while also trying to keep the right inventory of medical devices—and how they can do both.

Hospital leaders face a capital expenditures predicament with their medical devices. On one hand, they obviously need available devices to provide care. On the other hand, budgets are limited. Having too few devices is a problem—but so is having too many.

The conflict between a hospital’s budget and its device availability can be solved, however, by better forecasting the lifecycle of medical equipment. Hospitals can employ sophisticated technologies to help them strategically plan ahead and maximize their budgets. A comprehensive clinical asset management solution can support the total cost of ownership analysis, extend the useful life of equipment, and drive financial savings. The approach should be data-driven and provide valuable information regarding inventory, downtime, productivity needs, and regulatory issues—all of which help the management team make informed decisions and accurately forecast equipment needs.

Read the full story here.