
Professional of the month: Tyler Tryon, CBET

In the Dec. 2022 edition of TechNation, TRIMEDX Biomedical Technician Tyler Tryon was featured as its professional of the month. As a military veteran, Tyler shares his background and training in the Air Force & Army Reserves and how he developed expertise through experience over time.

When a boss nominates an employee for the professional of the month honors, that says it all.

“Tyler is professional and I consistently get positive feedback from the hospital employees he serves. Tyler is a very smart person and has a bright future in this field,” says Tyler Tryon’s boss.

Tryon, CBET, is a TRIMEDX BMET 3 at Saint Luke’s Health Systems in Lee’s Summit, Missouri. He has been both a civilian and military biomed and leader.

“I initially found out about the profession when rejoining the military. I wanted a military job that had applicability in the civilian sector with good future job growth. The Army offered me biomed, and after doing some research, it looked like a job that I would really enjoy,” Tryon says.

Read the full story here.